Image of publishing


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Package Details

  1. Flat Fee Membership
    • $299 one-time fee: Covers administration and management of your entire catalog, regardless of size.
  2. Professional Affiliations
    • PRO Membership: Affiliation to performance rights organizations (BMI or ASCAP) to ensure your performances are tracked and royalties are collected.
  3. Royalty Collection
    • $9,99 per song: Manage and collect 80% of publishing royalties.
    • This covers all royalty types worldwide; you keep 80%.
  4. Legal Support and Catalog Organization
    • Inclusion of legal advice regarding contracts and publishing agreements.
    • Catalog organization services to keep your songs and rights clearly documented.
  5. Advances on Royalties
    • Advance on publishing royalties without losing intellectual property rights, allowing you to access funds while maintaining ownership of your creations.
  6. Contests and Giveaways
    • Exclusive access to competitions: Enter contests for a chance to win cash prizes and promotional opportunities.
  7. Playlist Pitching
    • Exclusive playlist access: We pitch your music to curated playlists, enhancing your exposure and potential earnings.
  8. Global Royalties Collection
    • Worldwide registration of songs across over 215 countries to ensure no royalty goes uncollected.
    • Monthly tracking and reporting of your earnings.
  9. YouTube Monetization
    • Seamless integration into YouTube’s Content ID System for monetization, ensuring your music is claimed and generating revenue from video platforms.
  10. Educational Resources
    • Access to a Music Royalties Checklist and regular updates on industry trends to keep you informed about your rights and royalties.

Benefits for Artists

  • Keep Your Rights: Artists retain 100% ownership of their music, ensuring full creative control.
  • Simplified Management: We handle the complexities of music publishing, allowing artists to focus on their craft.
  • Transparent Earnings: Regular reporting and transparent processes provide clarity on where and how royalties are generated.
  • Tailored Support: Legal advice and catalog organization cater to the specific needs of each artist, regardless of their career stage.
Image of publishing



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