Song Record
Song Record
Song Record
Song Record

This service ensures the protection of your copyright before the United States Copyright Office.

If the person is not in the United States, we will take care of sending them the registration document efficiently and safely.

Registration Benefits:

  1. Solid Legal Protection:
    Ensure that your works are legally protected, preventing unauthorized use and guaranteeing exclusive rights over their use and distribution.
  2. Proof of Ownership:
    Provide legal evidence that you are the creator of the song, which is essential in case of authorship disputes.
  3. Access to Legal Damages:
    In the event of infringement, registration allows you to claim statutory damages, including statutory damages, which can result in significant financial compensation.
  4. Facilitates License and Sale:
    By having your songs registered, it is easier to license or sell your rights to third parties, thus increasing income opportunities.
  5. International Protection:
    Although registration takes place in the US, it provides protection under international conventions, making it easier to defend your rights in other countries.
  6. Public Registry:
    Your work is recorded in a public system, increasing the visibility of your music and helping to attract collaboration and distribution opportunities.
  7. Legal Advice:
    Registration is often accompanied by legal advice, allowing you to make informed decisions about the use and protection of your music.
  8. Duration of Protection:
    Copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years, ensuring that your work is protected for the long term.
  9. Ease of Infringement Testing:
    Having a record makes it easier to prove that a violation has occurred, since there is an official document supporting your claim.